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Rubio Comments On The Anniversary Of September 11th Attacks

Sep 11, 2015 | Blog

For those of us who lived through that day, we can hardly believe that 14 years have passed since the September 11 attacks against our nation. As Americans, this day will always be a day for us to remember those we lost and the heroic efforts of our first responders and fellow citizens who risked, and many of whom sacrificed, their lives while attempting to save others. While the painful memories of these attacks will forever be a part of our lives, so will our resilience as a nation following them.
On this anniversary, we are reminded of the greatness of America through the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, intelligence community, our diplomatic corps, and law enforcement agencies who every day honor the memory of the fallen heroes of September 11th by defending America at home and abroad and working to prevent another terrorist attack.  From the battlefields of the war against terror to Benghazi, Libya, many of these brave individuals have paid the ultimate price in the fourteen years since September 11, 2001.
But like any anniversary, this day is also a time to look forward. After my recent visit to the memorial in Chattanooga dedicated to the 5 U.S. servicemen killed there in July and the ongoing debate regarding the Obama Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, I am reminded of the patriotic duty we have to remain vigilant in our daily lives to ensure the uniqueness of our nation remains a reality for many generations to come. Fourteen years later, with threats to our nation from abroad and here at home growing, we live in a world as dangerous as ever.
As we honor those we lost that September morning, we should renew our commitment to stand for the freedoms we have always defended and commit to a foreign policy that promotes American strength and reflects our core values as a nation.