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Rubio on End of Venezuelan Interim Government

Jan 6, 2023 | Press Releases

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement after Venezuelan lawmakers voted to dissolve the Venezuelan interim government.

  • “Four years ago, Juan Guaidó courageously accepted the leadership of Venezuela’s Interim Government as the Maduro narco-regime held Venezuela and its people hostage. 

  • “The path forward is and always has been clear. Supervised and monitored presidential elections, along with the release of unjustly detained American citizens and all political prisoners, are prerequisites before we can begin normalizing relations with Venezuela. Until then, the democratically elected, opposition-controlled National Assembly remains Venezuela’s only legitimate institution. 

  • “As a senator from Florida representing the largest Venezuelan American community in our nation, I remain committed to supporting a democratic transition that respects the rule of law and allows the Venezuelan people to freely choose their future.”