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Rubio, Risch on Biden-Harris Continued Appeasement of Iranian Regime

Oct 23, 2024 | Press Releases

Earlier this year, the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act (SHIP) was successfully signed into law. However, the Biden-Harris Administration has failed to meet the deadlines to impose sanctions on the corresponding entities with no indication that this administration will fully implement the law. Rather, the administration appears set on continuing to appease the Iranian regime as it continues to enrich its coffers from the Chinese Communist Party. 

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Jim Risch (R-ID) released a joint statement regarding the administration’s negligence on the matter.

  • “While Iran continues to fuel terror from the sales of illicit oil, which mostly benefit Beijing, the Biden-Harris Administration has failed to fully implement the Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum (SHIP) Act. The State Department may highlight its commitment to enforcing this law, but this administration’s failure to impose sanctions against individuals and entities tied to Communist China’s purchase of Iranian oil is deeply disturbing. On October 7, 2023, the world witnessed Tehran’s evil nature and the U.S. must do everything in our power to cripple Iran’s vital sources of revenue.”  

Flashback… In September 2024, Rubio and colleagues sent a letter to President Biden regarding his administration’s failure to enforce the law.