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U.S. Must Stand With Persecuted Christians

Nov 1, 2015 | Blog

On this International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, I join with Christians around the world in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Scripture tells us that when one part of the body suffers the entire body shares its suffering. When it comes to the Christian faithful, without question, the body is suffering.
From the underground house church in China where worshippers gather in fear of communist government persecution, to the displaced Iraqi and Syrian Christians wondering if they will ever return home to the cradle of Christianity, the Church internationally is under seige. From the imprisoned believer in Pakistan facing a possible death sentence for believing in God, to the starving Christian in a North Korean prison camp, churches around the world are increasingly under assault.
Today I stand in solidarity with these suffering believers and thank God for the steadfast and unwavering faith of so many, young and old, in the midst of oppression, marginalization, kidnapping, imprisonment and even death. I pray that God would grant them courage and even hope in the midst of these trials.