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Rubio Commemorates 9th Anniversary Of Floridian Robert Levinson’s Disappearance

Mar 9, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement marking the ninth anniversary of Florida resident Robert Levinson’s disappearance:
“Today marks the 9th anniversary of the disappearance of Robert Levinson from Kish Island in Iran. Bob, a resident of Coral Springs, Florida, continues to be the longest held American civilian in history. I have followed his case closely and believe that more needs to be done by the Obama Administration to pressure the Iranian government to provide information regarding Bob’s whereabouts.
“It is outrageous that the Iranian government has failed to provide any information that would help bring Bob home to Florida. Iran is a police state. Very little happens on Iranian territory that the authorities are not aware of. The Obama Administration missed an opportunity to make the freedom of Americans held in Iran a priority during the nuclear negotiations, and has left Bob’s case unresolved even as they have continued to make concession after concession to Tehran to bring other prisoners home.
“Bob and his family deserve much better. I have worked to highlight Bob’s case every opportunity I could in the U.S. Senate. Recently, the Senate passed a resolution (S.Res.99) I co-sponsored which called on Iran to follow through on its repeated promises to assist in Bob’s case. This resolution sends an important message that America stands with the Levinsons and we want to see the Iranian regime provide information regarding Bob’s whereabouts so that his wife and their seven children can get the answers they deserve. We must bring Bob home. I will continue to advocate on the behalf of Bob and the Levinson family.”