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WTAS: “Rubio The Reformer”

Jun 27, 2014 | Press Releases

Senator Marco Rubio
“Finding Economic Security in an Insecure Time”
YG Network – Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center
Washington, D.C.
June 25, 2014

New York Times’ Ross Douthat: “Reform conservatism in one speech, courtesy of @marcorubio: [link]” (Twitter, @DouthatNYT, 6/25/2014)

  • Douthat: “Marco Rubio Raises the Bar” (Ross Douthat, “Marco Rubio Raises the Bar,” New York Times, 6/26/2014)

  • Douthat: “Naturally, it strikes me as a very impressive and encouraging speech.” (Ross Douthat, “Marco Rubio Raises the Bar,” New York Times, 6/26/2014)

  • Douthat: “It’s a speech rooted in conservative principle without being trapped by the conservative talking points…” (Ross Douthat, “Marco Rubio Raises the Bar,” New York Times, 6/26/2014)

Forbes’ Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry: “The 21st Century Conservative Agenda Is Here. Look Out.” (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry ,“The 21st Century Conservative Agenda Is Here. Look Out.,” Forbes, 6/27/2014)

  • Gobry: “This speech by Marco Rubio, which embraces the reform conservative agenda, puts him at the intellectual forefront of the GOP.” (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry ,“The 21st Century Conservative Agenda Is Here. Look Out.,” Forbes, 6/27/2014)

National Review’s Reihan Salam: “… excellent speech…” (Reihan Salam, “Marco Rubio and the Real Beginning of 2016,” National Review, 6/25/2014)

  • Salam: “What I found most appealing about Rubio’s address is that he… touched on the structural forces that are putting low- and mid-skill workers under pressure, and how competition and innovation can drive down the cost and improve the quality of public services.” (Reihan Salam, “Marco Rubio and the Real Beginning of 2016,” National Review, 6/25/2014)

  • Salam: “Rubio gave the complexity of the challenges facing American workers their due, and he did it in an intelligent and accessible fashion.” (Reihan Salam, “Marco Rubio and the Real Beginning of 2016,” National Review, 6/25/2014)

  • Salam: “This is the conversation we need to have. Marco Rubio has done an excellent job of getting it started. Let’s see who has the guts to follow him.” (Reihan Salam, “Marco Rubio and the Real Beginning of 2016,” National Review, 6/25/2014)

Politico: “The Rubio reform agenda champions sweeping changes to the Tax Code, education programs and the war on poverty in order to appeal to constituencies that Republicans will need to weave back into their coalition to win the White House.” (Burgess Everett, “Marco Rubio pushes working-class appeal,” Politico, 6/25/2014)

Tampa Tribune Tom Jackson: “Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite” (Tom Jackson, “Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite,” Tampa Tribune, 6/25/2014)

  • Jackson: “Rubio has been the right guy at the right time with — this cannot be overstated — the right message.” (Tom Jackson, “Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite,” Tampa Tribune, 6/25/2014)

  • Jackson: “The speech… lays out an alternative path for strengthening the middle class, rewarding initiative and expanding opportunity than the paternalism generally advocated by the president and Capitol Hill Democrats.” (Tom Jackson, “Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite,” Tampa Tribune, 6/25/2014)

  • Jackson: “There’s meat in the middle that should have light bulbs illuminating over heads across the country…” (Tom Jackson, “Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite,” Tampa Tribune, 6/25/2014)

Bloomberg’s Ramesh Ponnuru: “Rubio the Reformer” (Ramesh Ponnuru, “Rubio the Reformer,” Bloomberg, 6/25/2014)

  • Ponnuru: “Rubio explained how his conservative proposals would make a positive difference in Americans’ lives — something a lot of Republican politicians oddly haven’t even tried to do in recent years.” (Ramesh Ponnuru, “Rubio the Reformer,” Bloomberg, 6/25/2014)

  • Ponnuru: “As reform-minded conservatives have kept scribbling, a lot of commentators in the media have raised doubts about whether any actual politicians would find their ideas promising…. Today’s speech is the clearest evidence yet that another Republican politician — a very high-profile and ambitious one — is tying his political fortunes to these ideas.” (Ramesh Ponnuru, “Rubio the Reformer,” Bloomberg, 6/25/2014)

Washington Free Beacon: “Rubio Offers Reform for America” (“Rubio Offers Reform for America,” Washington Free Beacon, 6/26/2014)

  • Free Beacon: “About 100 people crammed into a lecture hall at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship to hear Rubio’s take on the status of the American dream, current issues, and policy ideas.” (“Rubio Offers Reform for America,” Washington Free Beacon, 6/26/2014)

Canadian Press’s Alexander Panetta: “A speech where Marco Rubio offered not criticism but ideas for solutions. [link] … And some reaction: [link]…” (Twitter, ‏@Alex_Panetta, 6/26/2014)

American Enterprise Institute’s W Bradford Wilcox: “.@marcorubio gets it. Middle America is hurting economically&socially. Same old same old policies won’t renew American Dream. Need new ideas.” (Twitter, ‏@WilcoxNMP, 6/25/2014

Red Alert Politics’ Allen Ginzburg: “I don’t think anyone else could deliver this speech as well as Rubio, but others should learn from the messaging: [link]” (Twitter, ‏@AG_Conservative, 6/25/2014)

Washington Post: “Other candidates for 2014 and 2016 should follow Rubio’s example.” (Jennifer Rubin, “Economy in first quarter is worse than feared, so now what?,” Washington Post, 6/25/2014)

National Review’s Rich Lowry: “Rubio is becoming the early policy leader among potential 2016 aspirants [link] via @NRO” (Twitter, @RichLowry, 6/25/2014)